'How to get text from a div span in soup?

Hi I am trying to get the text within a span from beautiful soup however it doesn't return the 631. I want to get the 631 from this html.

<div class="jsx-3024393758 jsx-3850983025 sold">
  <img alt="sold" src="data:imagesd">
  <span class="jsx-3024393758 jsx-3850983025">
    <span class="jsx-3024393758 jsx-3850983025 sold-text">Sold</span> "631"</span>

My code right now is like this.

sold = soup.select_one('jsx-3024393758 jsx-3850983025 sold-text','.jsx-3024393758 jsx-3850983025 sold').get('style', '').replace('width:','').text

However it returns null Please do help, and if a little explanation of where I went wrong would be very helpful.

Solution 1:[1]

There are multiple issues with your code and it seems to be a wild mix of things that do not focus your issue. So concerning your question take a minute or two to read css selectors to get an idea of chaining selectors.

In this specific case I would select the <div> and extract pick the last element from stripped_strings:

html = '''
<div class="jsx-3024393758 jsx-3850983025 sold">
  <img alt="sold" src="data:imagesd">
  <span class="jsx-3024393758 jsx-3850983025">
    <span class="jsx-3024393758 jsx-3850983025 sold-text">Sold</span> "631"</span>
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)



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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1