'How to mock Pipe when testing Component

Currently I am overriding providers to use mocked services like this:

beforeEach(inject([TestComponentBuilder], (tcb: TestComponentBuilder) => {
             provide(ServiceA, { useClass: MockServiceA })),
             provide(ServiceB, { useClass: MockServiceB }))

I want to do same thing for pipes that the component uses. I tried, provide(PipeA, { useClass: MockPipeA }) and provide(PipeA, { useValue: new MockPipeA() }) but both didn't work.

Solution 1:[1]

You can add your mockpipes in the declarations of the TestBed:

             declarations: [

The MockPipe needs to have the @Pipe decorator with the original name.

import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core';

@Pipe({name: 'pipename'})
class MockPipe implements PipeTransform {
    transform(value: number): number {
        //Do stuff here, if you want
        return value;

Solution 2:[2]

To stub the pipe, use Dinistro's answer. To spy on the pipe, you can complement that with the following:

let pipeSpy: jasmine.Spy;

beforeEach(() => {

    pipeSpy = spyOn(MockPipe.prototype, 'transform');

it('should do whatever', () => {


Solution 3:[3]

If you want reusable util function for mocking pipes, you can try this option:

export function mockPipe(options: Pipe): Pipe {
    const metadata: Pipe = {
      name: options.name

    return <any>Pipe(metadata)(class MockPipe {});

And then just call this function inside the TestBed declarations array:

    declarations: [
        mockPipe({ name: 'myPipe' }),
        mockPipe({ name: 'myOtherPipe' })
    // ...

Solution 4:[4]

One possibility is to use the ng-mocks library and use it like this:

  declarations: [
    MockPipe(ActualPipe, (...args) => args[0]),

The second argument to MockPipe defines what the transform function returns for an array of args.

Solution 5:[5]

Mocking my pipe into simple class like

export class DateFormatPipeMock {
 transform() {
  return '29.06.2018 15:12';

and simple use of useClass in my spec file

providers: [
  {provide: DateFormatPipe, useClass: DateFormatPipeMock}

worked for me :-)

Solution 6:[6]

Building on top of @shohrukh 's answer, the following code gives you a reusable mock pipe that works in Angular 11/12:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

export function mockPipe(name: string): Pipe {
  const metadata: Pipe = {

  return Pipe(metadata)(
    class MockPipe implements PipeTransform {
      transform() {}

Then use it in your test:

  declarations: [

Solution 7:[7]

You can MockPipe from ng-mocks, or MockBuilder if you inject pipes as services.


beforeEach(() => {
    declarations: [
      MockPipe(PipeB, value => `transformed:${value}`),


beforeEach(() => {
  return MockBuilder(MyComponent, MyModule)
    .mock(PipeB, value => `transformed:${value}`);

Solution 8:[8]

Often, we use pipes in templates. Here’s how you can mock a pipe. Note that the name of the pipe has to be the same as the pipe you are mocking.

@Pipe({ name: 'myPipe' })
class MyPipeMock implements PipeTransform {
  transform(param) {
    return true;

You need to include the pipe when configuring your TestingModule if you are using it in a component’s template in the declarations.

Solution 9:[9]

You can use MockPipe npm package, but you need to import it like below.

import { MockPipe } from 'mock-pipe';

After that, all you need to do is to define your mock pipe in providers..

providers: [     
            provide: HighlightPipe,
            useValue: MockPipe(HighlightPipe, () => 'mock')

That's all.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Aryéh Radlé
Solution 2 João Mendes
Solution 3 Aryéh Radlé
Solution 4
Solution 5
Solution 6 fikkatra
Solution 7 satanTime
Solution 8 Mehdi EL AZRAK
Solution 9 Liam