'how to override css rules to be assigned a different set of rules?

It was quite hard to give this question a simple title, so I'll try to explain the situation. I'm using an scss file with two main classes for controling direction style: rtl /ltr

I was using the RTLCSS online tool for converting a standard css to its corresponding rtl version and used it like this:

style.scss file:

  css rules
  rtl-css rules

for certain classes, such as of the paginator component I dont want to use the rtl version, but I also dont want to dig up in the rules and change it there. Instead I would like to load another 'corrections' file to override the 'overriding' rtl version, and just state for what classes not to use the rtl version, but the ltr version, is it possible somehow?

First, I searched an existing answer, but the answers were referring how to exclude when writing original rules, I'm looking to override it somehow

I made a corrections file to override the certain class unwanted rtl rules, but this seems not quite efficient as I find out more properties I didn't notice at first, and a better solution would have been to assign the whole class to the ltr rules, could this be done simply?


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