'How to pass token to requirements.yaml used by ansible galaxy for installing pre-requisites

I am trying to use an environment variable inside of requirements.yml but it's not working

    - src: 'http://oauth2:{{ lookup("env", "GITLAB_TOKEN") }}@gitlab.repo/data-migration.git'
  scm: git
  version: "master"

The token is a sensitive data , I can't put it in requirenments.yaml, any idea please ?

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yaml --force

ansible --version =

Solution 1:[1]

To debug:

run a command -->

export TOKEN=test

playbook -->

- name: test
  hosts: localhost
    - name: play
        msg: "{{ lookup('env', 'TOKEN') }}"

output -->

ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": "test"

The lookup should work for replacements.

- src: "http://oauth2:{{ lookup('env', 'TOKEN') }}@gitlab.my-repo.git"
  name: role1
  version: master

Solution 2:[2]

The --token parameter can be used in the ansible-galaxy command for installing roles from private repos.

So your requirements.yml could look like: (note that I took the liberty of making this https)

  - src: 'https://gitlab.repo/data-migration.git'
    scm: git
    version: "master"

and your installation command would become:

ansible-galaxy role install --token $GITLAB_TOKEN -r requirements.yml --force

Now if you want to do this from github actions (my current problem)... brace yourself


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 bbaassssiiee
Solution 2 β.εηοιτ.βε