'How to post cXML invoice with attachments in Coupa?

Coupa has introduced this new functionality of including attachments in cXML invoices. The only documentation (That I am aware of) says that include code (mentioned below) in CXML invoice file.

Coupa Documentation:

Screenshot from Coupa Documentation

Can anyone please help me understanding how can I use this documentation in sending a cXML invoice? Any other help on including attachments on cXML invoice (for Coupa) will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Solution 1:[1]

Correct, R18 allows you to attach file(s) at the time you post your InvoiceDetailRequest cxml. Before R18, you would attach through a 2 part post via a Coupa API key. Starting with R18, there's no API key and you use the header . Below is how you do it. I'll monitor this page in case you have further clarifying questions.

1--You must indicate MIME multipart media type in your Content-ID header. This will trigger our parser to retrieve the attachment.

example: Content-type: multipart/related

2--You must pass the attribute in the element. Attachment data can be a url or a content id (cid) to a file on your server. If doing cid, the file must reside on the same folder structure on your server as your InvoiceDetailRequest doc. In the below example, we're attaching 2 files, a file and a url.



For more details, see pages 51 & 69 on cxml.org.

Solution 2:[2]



Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE cXML SYSTEM "http://xml.cXML.org/schemas/cXML/1.2.020/InvoiceDetail.dtd">
<cXML version="1.2.020" xml:lang="en-US" timestamp="2018-03-08T8:48:54-08:00" payloadID="2018-03-08T8:48:54-08:00">
            <Credential domain="duns">
            <Credential domain="duns">
            <Credential domain="duns">
            <UserAgent>Coupa Procurement 1.0</UserAgent>
    <Request deploymentMode="production">
            <InvoiceDetailRequestHeader invoiceDate="2018-03-08T8:48:54-08:00" operation="new" purpose="standard" invoiceOrigin="supplier" invoiceID="COUPATEST">
                <InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator />
                <InvoiceDetailLineIndicator isAccountingInLine="yes" />
                <PaymentTerm payInNumberOfDays="30" />
                        <DocumentReference payloadID="19897" />
                <InvoiceDetailItem quantity="1.0" invoiceLineNumber="1">
                        <Money currency="USD">1.00</Money>
                    <InvoiceDetailItemReference lineNumber="1">
                            <SupplierPartID />
                            <SupplierPartAuxiliaryID />
                        <Description xml:lang="en-US">Pencil, Blue, Fine Fonts</Description>
                        <Money currency="USD">1.00</Money>
                    <Money currency="USD">1.00</Money>
                    <Money currency="USD">0</Money>
                    <Description xml:lang="en-US" />
                    <TaxDetail purpose="tax" category="USD" percentageRate="0" taxPointDate="2018-03-08T8:48:54-08:00">
                            <Money currency="USD">1.00</Money>
                            <Money currency="USD">0</Money>
                        <TaxLocation xml:lang="en">USD</TaxLocation>
                    <Money currency="USD">1.00</Money>


Content-Type: application/pdf

Content-transfer-encoding: urlencoded

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=invoice.pdf


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE cXML SYSTEM "http://xml.cXML.org/schemas/cXML/1.2.020/InvoiceDetail.dtd">
<cXML version="1.2.020" xml:lang="en-US" timestamp="2018-03-08T8:48:54-08:00" payloadID="2018-03-08T8:48:54-08:00">
            <Credential domain="duns">
            <Credential domain="duns">
            <Credential domain="duns">
            <UserAgent>Coupa Procurement 1.0</UserAgent>
    <Request deploymentMode="production">
            <InvoiceDetailRequestHeader invoiceDate="2018-03-08T8:48:54-08:00" operation="new" purpose="standard" invoiceOrigin="supplier" invoiceID="COUPATEST">
                <InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator />
                <InvoiceDetailLineIndicator isAccountingInLine="yes" />
                <PaymentTerm payInNumberOfDays="30" />
                        <DocumentReference payloadID="19897" />
                <InvoiceDetailItem quantity="1.0" invoiceLineNumber="1">
                        <Money currency="USD">1.00</Money>
                    <InvoiceDetailItemReference lineNumber="1">
                            <SupplierPartID />
                            <SupplierPartAuxiliaryID />
                        <Description xml:lang="en-US">Pencil, Blue, Fine Fonts</Description>
                        <Money currency="USD">1.00</Money>
                    <Money currency="USD">1.00</Money>
                    <Money currency="USD">0</Money>
                    <Description xml:lang="en-US" />
                    <TaxDetail purpose="tax" category="USD" percentageRate="0" taxPointDate="2018-03-08T8:48:54-08:00">
                            <Money currency="USD">1.00</Money>
                            <Money currency="USD">0</Money>
                        <TaxLocation xml:lang="en">USD</TaxLocation>
                    <Money currency="USD">1.00</Money>


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Phannga Pathammavong
Solution 2 Phannga Pathammavong