'How to read each char sent by Putty at Java server?

After forcing off the "Local line editing" at Putty (Raw mode), all chars typed are sent to the server without the Enter (checked it with Wireshark).

I have this code:

ServerSocket listener = null;
BufferedReader is;
listener = new ServerSocket(22);
socket = listener.accept();

is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()););
while (true) {
    line = is.readLine();

This code need an Enter from Putty to read all the sequence chars typed,

How to read these sent chars one by one at Java Server side ?

Solution 1:[1]

As you have discovered, readLine() reads whole lines, thus won't return before a newline marks the end of a line.

Also note that the whole point of a BufferedReader is to buffer data.

The real answer here is to carefully look at the different classes your code is using. Meaning: check out read() in the InputStreamReader class!


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Solution 1