'How to save a seaborn plot as svg or png

Hi all I have been trying to save my output chart with plt.savefig("coeff.png") as svg or png but what I get is only a blank picture.

Is there anyway I could get my plots exported as a picture format?

Below is my code.

# These are the (standardized) coefficients found
# when it refit using that best alpha
list(zip(X.columns, LGBMR.feature_importances_))

#Now let's make it more presentable in Pandas DataFrame and also in standard form for numbers
df_LGBM_model_coefficients = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(X_train.columns, LGBMR.feature_importances_)))
df_LGBM_model_coefficients.rename(columns={0:'Features', 1: 'Coefficients'}, inplace=True)

df_LGBM_model_coefficients = df_LGBM_model_coefficients.iloc[1:]
df_LGBM_model_coefficients = df_LGBM_model_coefficients.sort_values(by = 'Coefficients', ascending = False)

#only retain the important ones.
df_LGBM_model_coefficients_top_10 = df_LGBM_model_coefficients.head(10)


ax = sns.barplot(x = 'Coefficients',y='Features', data = df_LGBM_model_coefficients_top_10)
ax.set_title("LGBMR Top 10 Features and their coefficients")

for p in ax.patches:
    ax.annotate("%.1f" % p.get_width(), (p.get_x() + p.get_width(), p.get_y() + 0.8), xytext=(5, 10), textcoords='offset pixels')

Solution 1:[1]

Swap the last two lines of your code. Place the plt.savefig("coeff.png") line before plt.show() line.



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Solution Source
Solution 1 ashraful16