'How to screen double quotes in Google Docs re2 expressions?

I'm trying to screen double quotes in regular expression on Google Sheets and there's no luck. A1 cell text = some "name" My formula


But Google Docs thinks that i'm using quotes for open /close argument. Please help.

Library that GoogleDocs using for regular expressions is re2

Solution 1:[1]

=REGEXEXTRACT(A1; "[""]+(\w*)")

Solution 2:[2]

You need to escape a doublequote " with another doublequote like this "".

Try using this,


Verified and this works well.

Solution 3:[3]

I know it's been a while here, but for anyone else looking for this answer - make sure you're using the right type of quote (Straight quotes vs Smart quotes). Just copy/paste the type of quote you're looking for


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Evgeny Malkov
Solution 2 Pushpesh Kumar Rajwanshi
Solution 3 Kelsey