'how to transclude components?

I'm using angular-gridster in a project i'm working on.
We are building the project mainly with angular 1.5 components. My view looks like this:


        <qn-grid-item sizeX="1" sizeY="1" col="0" row="0">


        <qn-grid-item sizeX="1" sizeY="1" col="0" row="1">



In the qnGridItem component the bindings object are always undefined.
How can get the values from the attributes(bindings object in the qnGridItem) ? (what should be the qnGrid template?)

Currently the qnGrid is :

<div gridster="$ctrl.gridsterOpts">
     <div ng-transclude></div>

qnGridItem :

var qnGridItem = {
        bindings: {
            sizeX: '@',
            sizeY: '@',
            col: '@',
            row: '@'
        require: {
            qnGrid: '^^'
        transclude: true,
        template: `
            <div gridster-item="$ctrl.itemMap" >
              <div ng-transclude></div>
        controller: function () {

            var ctrl = this;
            ctrl.$onInit = function () {


                ctrl.itemMap = {
                    sizeX: 'item.size.x',
                    sizeY: 'item.size.y',
                    row: 'item.position[0]',
                    col: 'item.position[1]'

                ctrl.item = {
                    size: {
                        x: ctrl.sizeX,
                        y: ctrl.sizeY
                    position: [ctrl.col, ctrl.row]

I was trying to take insperation from Todd Mottos's posts

Solution 1:[1]

The problem was with my attribute casing.

I wrote sizeX and it should be size-x


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Solution Source
Solution 1 General Grievance