'How to use ResourceOwnerPassword flow when using AddAccessTokenManagerment?

I am setting up auto access token management like this:

        services.AddAccessTokenManagement(options =>
            options.Client.Clients.Add("identityserver", new ClientCredentialsTokenRequest
                Address = $"{idso.IdServerUrl}/connect/token",
                ClientId = idso.ClientId,
                ClientSecret = idso.ClientSecret,
                Scope = idso.Scopes

But I need to use the ResourceOwnerPassword type of request, which manually would be something like;

var client = new TokenClient(
"client", "secret", AuthenticationStyle.PostValues);

var response = await client.RequestResourceOwnerPasswordAsync(user, pass, "scope");
var token = response.AccessToken;

How can I do this with AddAccessTokenManagement?


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