'How to watermark a wave file with NAudio?

My application outputs wave files and I have the requirement to implement watermarking. By this I mean taking another wave file containing, say, 4 seconds of someone saying "This file is copyrighted material" and overlay this into the original file every 30 seconds.

I have tried many things but none quite works. I can pad the watermark to 30 seconds using OffsetSampleProvider and mix this with MixingSampleProvider, but that would only mix in one copy.

LoopStream is a WaveStream, not an ISampleProvider, and even if I could do the conversion, I think this would mix forever, because the LoopStream would never stop returning data.

This seems like a fairly basic use case, but I cannot figure out how to do it!

Solution 1:[1]

You're not too far off. You can turn a LoopStream into an ISampleProvider with the ToSampleProvider extension method, and then you can use the Take extension method to limit the duration of the looped stream to match the duration of the file you're mixing it with.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Mark Heath