'I'm having trouble with pasting a gif on an image using PIL
from PIL import Image, ImageSequence
import PIL
GIF_PATH = Image.open(r"C:\Users\me_\My\Filw\Path.gif")
IMAGE_PATH = Image.open(r"base.png")
frames = []
for frame in ImageSequence.Iterator(GIF_PATH):
output = IMAGE_PATH.copy()
frame_px = frame.load()
output_px = output.load()
transparent_foreground = frame.convert('RGBA')
transparent_foreground_px = transparent_foreground.load()
for x in range(frame.width):
for y in range(frame.height):
if frame_px[x, y] in (frame.info["background"], frame.info["transparency"]):
output_px[x, y] = transparent_foreground_px[x, y]
output =output.resize([436,249], PIL.Image.NEAREST)
frames[0].save('output.gif',save_all = True, append_images = frames[1:], optimize = False, duration = 40, loop=0)
how would I paste the image to a specific location? I'm pretty new so trying to get a grasp I tried using imagechops offset but the image just wrapped around instead of moving
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