'Identity Server 4 certificate signed by External Certificate Authority

We are trying to implement OpenId Connect Code flow between Identity Server 4 (provider) and SalesForce (Client) but it seems SalesForce does not like self signed certificate (we get error AuthorizationError?ErrorCode=No_Oauth_Token&ErrorDescription=invalid_client in salesforce after successfull login in IDP)

Following this thread https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/94492/openid-connect-with-custom-idp-authorizationerror-no-oauth-token-empty-respons this could be because our Identity Server certificate is self signed.

How do I create a signing certificate for Identity Server and get is signed by an External Certificate Authority so that it get accepted by SalesForce ?

Solution 1:[1]

So as @identigral posted, this error has nothing to do with certificates.

This is client setup code in identity server that is working for me:

new Client {
  ClientId = "SF",
  ClientName = "SalesForce",
  RequireConsent = false,
  AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.CodeAndClientCredentials,
  ClientSecrets = {
    new Secret(SalesForceSecretKey.Sha256())
  RequireClientSecret = false,
  AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser = true,
  AccessTokenLifetime = 3600,
  RedirectUris = {
  AllowedScopes = {

in SalesForce, this is the setup:


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Tyler2P