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Spring Batch Framework - Auto create Batch Table

I just created a batch job using Spring Batch framework, but I don't have Database privileges to run CREATE SQL. When I try to run the batch job I hit the error

Anychart 8 - Datetime value is getting rounded off in tooltip

I am facing this issue that when I hover on a point in anychart spline/colume graphs, then the crosshair label on x axis(datetime scale x axis) is showing me th

Upgrading Node.js to latest version

So, I have Node.js installed and now when I tried to install Mongoosejs I got an error telling me that I don't have the needed version of Node.js (I have v0.4.1

Reduce opacity of non focused items

I have a list of items which are displayed on the home screen, the list is vertically scrollable. At the moment I have 5 items but items are added as the user a

prometheus recording rule to map the label(instance)

In prometheus looking to map the label(instance) to account id & region name, currently its value is NLB instance=eks** am looking t

ANTLR4 parse tree doesn't contain rule names

ANTLR4 doesn't show rule names in parse tree. For example, 1 + 2 is printed as: Code in main: std::string test = "1 + 2"; ANTLRInputStream input(test);

C# Visual Studio Executable cannot read files within same folder

Application info: Visual Studio 2019 .NET 5.0 Windows Form application. I'm making a App.Config file that will store user specific variables in XML format. The

Spring Security Authorization Server 0.2.0 with kotlin gives WhiteLabel Error Page for Authorization Code Flow

I'm trying to implement the official Authorization Server template (