'Insert the number of slides up to a final slide in a rmarkdown::beamer_presentation

In a beamer presentation generated with rmarkdown::beamer_presentation, I currently have \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber which shows the current page and the total number of slides in the presentation.

How to insert the number of slides up to a "final slide" in the footer instead of the overall "total number of slides"?

Note: I would like to refrain from having to add {.noframenumbering} to all slides in the appendix.





title: "Slide counter ends at specific slide"
    base_format: rmarkdown::beamer_presentation
    latex_engine: lualatex
    toc: false
    slide_level: 2
  - \input{files_beamer/preamble}

## Slide 1

## Slide 2

## Slide Final
==> count up to this slide

``` {=latex}

## Additional Slide 1 (not counted)

## Additional Slide 2 (not counted)

Solution 1:[1]

If your beamer version is up-to-date, you can use the \setbeamertemplate{page number in head/foot}[appendixframenumber] template. No need for additional packages.

title: "Slide counter ends at specific slide"
    base_format: rmarkdown::beamer_presentation
    latex_engine: lualatex
    toc: false
    slide_level: 2
    keep_tex: true
header-includes: |

  \setbeamertemplate{page number in head/foot}[appendixframenumber]

      \usebeamertemplate{page number in head/foot}%


## Slide 1

## Slide 2

## Slide Final
==> count up to this slide

``` {=latex}
\frametitle{Additional Slide 1 (not counted)}

## Additional Slide 2 (not counted)

enter image description here

Solution 2:[2]

Just add to the YAML-header:

  - \usepackage{appendixnumberbeamer}

(See this SO post).

Alternatively one could likely define a new command using something like \inserttotalframenumber - \insertappendixframenumber somewhere before \setbeamertemplate{footline}{...}.


This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 mavericks