'Interactive Brokers, how to get a consumer key from registration API?

I'm trying to create a web server that allow users to oauth their IB accounts. To obtain a request token, you first need to get a consumer key. I tried to follow their instruction, but there is no details on how to make a call to get the consumer_key.

What exactly should the endpoint be? Is it a POST or GET call? how do params / body looks like?

enter image description here

Solution 1:[1]

Even though you registered your consumer_key in InteractiveBroker settings page, OAuth flow for the consumer_key will not be worked because IB Web API OAuth flow is not ready to work. Their customer service doesn't have the ability to solve the problem because the OAuth flow should be ready by the developers for IB Service Provider.

All of documents for the OAuth flow of InteractiveBroker is not correct and the customer service said they don't know about the issues.

It will be the losing of the time if you are going to solve the problem for OAuth flow of InteractiveBroker.

InteractiveBroker Web API is not ready yet. Don't lose your time.

Solution 2:[2]

The answer from Daniel is still right (it just doesn't work) there are however a few projects that can alleviate the pain:

Both of them require to run a docker service that will do the authentication and proxy the requests to IB gateway service.

You can avoid 2FA if you create an additional user to access your account.

Solution 3:[3]

There is no API call to get the consumer_key. There is an OAuth settings page (best I know there is no direct link to it) in the IB web portal that lets you

  • enable OAuth access
  • upload the public Signing/Encryption keys and the DH param files
  • set your own consumer_key

Edit: here is the direct link to the OAuth settings page

Solution 4:[4]

I'm getting 501 HTTP error, it seems that OAuth is not ready yet for InteractiveBrokers developers:

Direct link to the OAuth configuration: https://www.interactivebrokers.co.uk/oauth


Solution 5:[5]

If your talking about the web trading API you have to submit several things to IB in order to get your application registered. Onboarding instructions can be found in their OAuth document at: https://www.interactivebrokers.com/webtradingapi/oauth.pdf


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Daniel Andes
Solution 2 Ich
Solution 3
Solution 4 Rdey
Solution 5 Greg