'issue on pandas_ta adx indicator

when i run this code it's obvious get this error s missing close value.

df['ADX'] = ta.adx(df['High'], df['Low'],length = 14)


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-23-1031ca130ef0> in <module>
----> 1 df['ADX'] = ta.adx(df['High'], df['Low'],length = 14)
      2 df

TypeError: adx() missing 1 required positional argument: 'close'

now when give closing value and run

df['ADX'] = ta.adx(df['High'], df['Low'],df['Close'],length = 14)


`enter code here`ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 3, placement implies 1

if any one know where i am doing wrong please let me know .

this is how i am gettinf dataframe

df = get_history(symbol = "BTCUSDT", interval = "1d", start = timestamp)

Solution 1:[1]

The ADX indicator generates three dataframe columns, which is why there is this exception. Do this like this:

a = ta.adx(df['High'], df['Low'], df['Close'], length = 14)
df = df.join(a)

you will get three columns with data

(ADX_14 DMP_14 DMN_14)

and you can remove unnecessary columns with the drop function

Solution 2:[2]

Try this:

import talib

real = talib.ADX(df['High'], df['Low'], df['Close'], timeperiod=14)

What library do you use to calculate the indicator?

If it doesn't work out, show how you get the data and from where on "BTCUSDT"?


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Banana
Solution 2