'Jasmine AG Grid Test case failed

Am trying to write a test for ag grid export method. Here is the component changes

export class GridComponent extendsimplements OnInit {

  gridApi: any;

  onGridDataExport(): void {

grid component spec file

fdescribe('when onGridDataExport method call', () => {
    it('should call gridApi', () => {
      const result = spyOn(component.gridApi, 'exportDataAsCsv');


when i run the test cases it show the below error enter image description here

How can i resolve this issue?

expecting a valid solution.

Thanks in advance

Solution 1:[1]

Try with this:

fdescribe('when onGridDataExport method call', () => {
    it('should call gridApi', () => {
      const result = spyOn(component.gridApi, 'exportDataAsCsv').and.callThrough();

If you look my code, I'm adding .and.callThrough(); and you need to use this because with this code you're really waiting for the execution of the method exportDataAsCsv.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Ricky