'javascript - await promise stucks

I am implementing google video person detection .

I completely followed their docs and implemented same script they provided

But my code is not passing by this line:

const results = await operation.promise();

On terminal I get :


and thats it. some how code is not being processed after this line: const results = await operation.promise();

Here is my complete code script:

'use strict';

function main(path = 'my-file.mp4') {
  // [START video_detect_person]
   * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
  // const gcsUri = 'GCS URI of the video to analyze, e.g. gs://my-bucket/my-video.mp4';

  // Imports the Google Cloud Video Intelligence library + Node's fs library
  const Video = require('@google-cloud/video-intelligence').v1;
  const fs = require('fs');
  // Creates a client
  const video = new Video.VideoIntelligenceServiceClient();

   * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following line before running the sample.
  // const path = 'Local file to analyze, e.g. ./my-file.mp4';

  // Reads a local video file and converts it to base64
  const file = fs.readFileSync(path);
  const inputContent = file.toString('base64');

  async function detectPerson() {

    const request = {
      inputContent: inputContent,
      features: ['PERSON_DETECTION'],
      videoContext: {
        personDetectionConfig: {
          // Must set includeBoundingBoxes to true to get poses and attributes.
          includeBoundingBoxes: true,
          includePoseLandmarks: true,
          includeAttributes: true,

    // Detects faces in a video
    // We get the first result because we only process 1 video

    const [operation] = await video.annotateVideo(request);
    const results = await operation.promise();


    console.log('Waiting for operation to complete...');

    // Gets annotations for video
    const personAnnotations =

    for (const {tracks} of personAnnotations) {
      console.log('Person detected:');

      for (const {segment, timestampedObjects} of tracks) {
          `\tStart: ${segment.startTimeOffset.seconds}` +
            `.${(segment.startTimeOffset.nanos / 1e6).toFixed(0)}s`
          `\tEnd: ${segment.endTimeOffset.seconds}.` +
            `${(segment.endTimeOffset.nanos / 1e6).toFixed(0)}s`

        // Each segment includes timestamped objects that
        // include characteristic--e.g. clothes, posture
        // of the person detected.
        const [firstTimestampedObject] = timestampedObjects;

        // Attributes include unique pieces of clothing, poses (i.e., body
        // landmarks) of the person detected.
        for (const {name, value} of firstTimestampedObject.attributes) {
          console.log(`\tAttribute: ${name}; Value: ${value}`);

        // Landmarks in person detection include body parts.
        for (const {name, point} of firstTimestampedObject.landmarks) {
          console.log(`\tLandmark: ${name}; Vertex: ${point.x}, ${point.y}`);

  // [END video_detect_person]



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