'jQuery Datatable Show / hide columns dynamically

I am trying to show/hide datatable columns dynamically. For this, here I am going with the example which is given by the official datatable website.

This is the code for my datatable:


<table id="itemEdit" class="table collapsed">
        <th>Item Name</th>



var tableId = "#itemEdit";
var $_table = $(tableId).DataTable({ 
    //dom:            "Bfrtip",
    scrollY:        "300px",
    scrollX:        true,
    scrollCollapse: true,

    "ajax": './view_items.php',
    "columns": [            
      {"data": "id", "class": "align-middle"},
      {"data": "sku","class": "align-middle"},            
      {"data": "barcode","class": "align-middle"},            
      {"data": "itemname","class": "align-middle"},            
      {"data": "price","class": "align-middle"},            

HTML for <a>:

<div class="btn-group dropright dd-backdrop">
    <button type="button" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
      <span class="sr-only">Columns</span>
    <div class="dropdown-menu p-0 ">
      <a href="#" class="dropdown-item toggle-vis" data-column="4">
        Item Name

My question is, just I want to add CSS class for the a.toggle-vis base on its visibility.

I tried it something like this. But its not working for me.

$('a.toggle-vis').on('click', function (e) {

    // Get the column API object
    var column = $_table.column($(this).attr('data-column'));


    if (column.visible() === true) {
    } else {
    $_table.columns.adjust().draw( false ); // adjust column sizing and redraw

Hope somebody may help me out.

Solution 1:[1]

In the end, your approach is correct - with one small change: Move the following line (which toggles the column's visibility)...


...from inside the if statement to before the if statement.

That will ensure the toggle always happens for the selected column.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 andrewJames