'JQuery - How to check all value from array before goes to else statement?

How can I check all value from array before going to else statement.

My code only working for the first array, in my case which is /members/, but it wont work for rest of the array.

        if ( jQuery( location ).attr( 'href' ) !== 'https://example.com/' ) {
            let getPostType = `<?php echo $post_type = get_post_type($id); ?>`;
            if ( getPostType === 'page' ) {
                let URLsToAvoid = [ '/members/', '/documents/', '/photos/', '/videos/', '/register/', '/agencies/', '/news/', '/events/' ];
                jQuery.each( URLsToAvoid, function( key, value ) {
                    if ( jQuery( location ).attr( 'href' ).includes(value) ) {
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        let displayHeader = `<?php echo do_shortcode( '[elementor-template id="754"]' ); ?>`;
                        jQuery( '.container .site-content-grid > div, .container .bb-elementor-content > div' ).prepend(displayHeader);
                        return false;


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