'Kick participant that joins a call

I am using iframe API of Jitsi, I would like to keep the limit of a room to only 3 participants. If a fourth participant joins the room, the participant should automatically get kicked. This is my current api, how do I kick the 4th participant?

var api = new JitsiMeetExternalAPI(domain, options);

            api.addListener('videoConferenceJoined', ({id}) => {
                let numberOfParticipants = api.getNumberOfParticipants();
                if(numberOfParticipants > 3) {

Solution 1:[1]

You can use the "participantJoined" event instead of "videoConferenceJoined".

As it is fired whenever a participant joins. While "videoConferenceJoined" fires when you join the conference.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 MaXo