'LDAPSEARCH into table format

Is there any way to perform a LDAP search and save the results into a table format (e.g. csv)?

Cheers Jorge

Solution 1:[1]

Just in case someone else has to do this:

Based on the answer provided in Filter ldapsearch with awk/bash

this will output the LDAP info into a csv format:

$ ldapsearch -x -D "cn=something" | awk -v OFS=',' '{split($0,a,": ")} /^mail:/{mail=a[2]} /^uidNumber:/{uidNumber=a[2]} /^uid:/{uid=a[2]} /^cn/{cn=a[2]; print uid, uidNumber,cn , mail}' > ldap_dump.csv

NOTE You need to be careful about the order in which you parse the LDAP data with awk! It needs to be parsed in the same order as it appears on the LDAP data!

Solution 2:[2]

You can use the excellent miller tool (mlr)

The last bit:

echo output | sed 's/://g'  | mlr --x2c cat then unsparsify

How it works:

  • the sed converts the output to XTAB format
  • --x2c converts XTAB to CSV
  • cat then unsparsify makes sure the missing values are just filled instead of breaking to different csv output

Total command:

ldapsearch -H ldap://<hostname>:389 -D "<bindDN>" -W -b "<base>" '<query>' -oldif-wrap=no -LLL cn mail telephoneNumber | sed 's/://g'  | mlr --x2c cat then unsparsify


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Solution Source
Solution 1 jorgehumberto
Solution 2