'Logging for public hosted zone Route53

I'm trying to set up the logging for a public hosted zone on Route53 AWS. the template looks like this:

   Type: AWS::Route53::HostedZone
      Comment: !Join ['', ['Hosted zone for ', !Ref 'DomainNamePublic' ]]
    Name: !Ref DomainNamePublic
      CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn: !GetAtt Route531LogGroup.Arn

    Type: AWS::Logs::LogGroup
     LogGroupName: Route531-AWSLogGroup
     RetentionInDays: 7

But when I try to launch the stack I'm getting the following message:

The ARN for the CloudWatch Logs log group is invalid. (Service: AmazonRoute53; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidInput; Request ID: 6c02db60-ef62-11e8-bce8-d14210c1b0cd)

Anybody an idea what could be wrong with this setup?

merci A

Solution 1:[1]

I encountered the same issue. The CloudWatch logs log group needs to be created in a specific region to be valid.

See following:

  1. You must create the log group in the us-east-1 region.
  2. You must use the same AWS account to create the log group and the hosted zone that you want to configure query logging for.
  3. When you create log groups for query logging, we recommend that you use a consistent prefix.

You can find the full documentation here.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 DaWyz