'MAMP access over local network

I have MAMP Pro 4 running on a Macbook Pro, with virtual hosts. It's working fine. I want to be able to access it from other devices on my local network in order to test various browser / os combinations. All the articles and posts I have found online are for earlier versions, and or don't seem to work, or require additional software, ... I know this is easy -- I had it working a few years ago, but I don't recall how I did it. Your help will be appreciated.

Solution 1:[1]

You can simply configure you projects host:


Solution 2:[2]

Try: http:// ip-address-of-your-MAMP-installation:8080 if it connects, fine is working.

Now the domain names. Because your are running locally and your test domains will not be resolved/routed, you need to change the "hosts" file.

Use the other Mac from where you want test.

Select "Go to Folder" and enter "/etc", there is a file called "hosts". Open it with a text editor (Wrangler,TextMate...)

Then add a line at the end:

Save it (requires the admin password).

Now enter "http:// name of the domain:8080" and it should connect you to the MAMP domain.

A more elegant way is to install a local DNS server, but that's a complete different story.



Solution 3:[3]

External network access to phpmyadmin has to be allowed specifically.

This is what I used a long time ago.

Solution 4:[4]

A simple solution is to use the network name of your macbook. You can set it in the system settings. Let say that your macbook's network name is my-macbook Then, to acess the served website / phpMyadmin, you can simply type my-macbook.local:8888 (assuming that Mamp serves on the port 8888).


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 anothernode
Solution 2 PeterInWiesbaden
Solution 3 Manu
Solution 4 Oskar 79 115 99 97 114 80 108