'Mocking Unirest with mockito

I am in my starting programming phase and I wanted to ask about mocking Objects with Mockito, more specifically is the Unirest response. Let's say I have a database, and I dont what to bother it every time I do testing, and I want to use Mockito for that, but the problem is I am not sure how to create the fake "httpResponse" object that will come back. To give some context, I have attached my code:

 * This method lists the ID of the activity when requested.
 * @return the list of all activities
public  JSONArray getActivites() {
    HttpResponse<JsonNode> jsonResponse = null;
    try {
        jsonResponse = Unirest
                .header("accept", "application/json")
    } catch (UnirestException e) {
        System.out.println("Server is unreachable");

    JSONArray listOfActivities = jsonResponse.getBody().getArray();
    return listOfActivities;

So what I had in mind, is to mock Unirest, and then when a .get method gets invoked, I would return a fake HttpResponse, problem is, I am not sure how to, I have looked online and couldn't really make much sense of it. Is it possible to do it 1 time with the actual Database, and then "Extract" the information and to use that every time for testing?

Solution 1:[1]

Sample Snippet with PowerMockRunner, PowerMockito and Mockito

    @PrepareForTest({ Unirest.class})
    public class TestApp{

      public void setup() {

      public void shouldTestgetActivites() throws UnirestException {



Solution 2:[2]

Instead of directly calling a static member, you could wrap the call in a wrapper class that can supply an HttpResponse based on some arguments. This is an interface that can easily be mocked in Mockito.

 * This is a wrapper around a Unirest API.
class UnirestWrapper {

    private HttpResponse<JsonNode> getResponse(String accept, String url) {
        try {
            return Unirest
                .header("accept", accept)
        } catch (UnirestException e) {
            System.out.println("Server is unreachable");
        // Or create a NULL HttpResponse instance.
        return null;

private final UnirestWrapper unirestWrapper;

ThisClassConstructor(UnirestWrapper unirestWrapper) {
    this.unirestWrapper = unirestWrapper;

 * This method lists the ID of the activity when requested.
 * @return the list of all activities
public JSONArray getActivites() {
    HttpResponse<JsonNode> jsonResponse = this.unirestWrapper.getResponse("", "application/json");

    if (jsonResponse == null) {
        return null;

    JSONArray listOfActivities = jsonResponse.getBody().getArray();
    return listOfActivities;

Or you could use power mocks...

Solution 3:[3]

In the meantime the orignal authors provide mocking support with unirest-mocks:




class MyTest {
    void expectGet(){
        MockClient mock = MockClient.register();

        mock.expect(HttpMethod.GET, "http://zombo.com")
                        .thenReturn("You can do anything!");
            "You can do anything!", 
        //Optional: Verify all expectations were fulfilled

Solution 4:[4]

You can mock the HttpResponse with Mockito.mock(HttpResponse.class) and put to when get the body of this response to get your json. For example:

HttpResponse response = Mockito.mock(HttpResponse.class);    

this 'readFileContent' is just a method to read a file where I put my response. You can put your json to compare there

Solution 5:[5]

I solved similar task by using JUnit5 and Mockito. Class under test:

public class SomeService {
    private final String value1;

    private final String value2;

    private final ObjectMapper mapper;
    private final CommonUtil commonUtil;

    public boolean methodUnderTest(String inputValue) {
        HttpResponse<String> result;
        //some logic 
        try {
            result = Unirest.get("url")
                    .header(header, value)
                    .routeParam("param", paramValue)
            if (result.getStatus() != 200) {
                throw new MyException("Message");
            //some logic
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Log error", e);
            //some logic

And test:

class SomeServiceTest {
    private CommonUtil commonUtil;
    private ObjectMapper mapper;
    HttpResponse httpResponse;
    GetRequest request;

    private SomeService serviceUnderTest;

    void setUp() {
        this.serviceUnderTest = new SomeService("url", "valu1", mapper, commonUtil);

    void methodUnderTest_whenSmth_ThenSmth() throws UnirestException {
        try (MockedStatic<Unirest> unirest = Mockito.mockStatic(Unirest.class)) {
            unirest.when(() -> Unirest.get(anyString()))


            Mockito.when(request.header(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(request);
            Mockito.when(request.routeParam(anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(request);



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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Mebin Joe
Solution 2 James
Solution 3 timomeinen
Solution 4 Suraj Rao
Solution 5 Rita