'My C# WPF webscraper returns error when more than one result is found

I am working on a WPF XAML application that scrapes certain websites for products. I have the search part working and it finds what I'm looking for. But as soon as there is more then 1 result I get a System.InvalidoperationException. I use a ObservableCollection to put the results into a <ListBox>.

Here is the search method:

private static ObservableCollection<EntryModel> _entries = new ObservableCollection<EntryModel>();

public static ObservableCollection<EntryModel> LoadCollectionData
    get { return _entries; }
    set { _entries = value; }

public static void PrehmSearchResults(string SearchQuery)
    HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb();

        string ZoekOpdracht = SearchQuery.Replace(" ", "+");
        HtmlDocument doc = web.Load("https://www.prehmshop.de/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=" + ZoekOpdracht);

        var title = doc.DocumentNode.CssSelect("div.header_cell > a").Single().InnerText;

        var links = doc.DocumentNode.CssSelect("a.product_link");
        var productLink = new List<string>();
        var productTitle = new List<string>();

        foreach (var item in links)
            if (item.Attributes["href"].Value.Contains(".html"))

        var TitleAndLink = productLink.Zip(productTitle, (l, t) => new { productLink = l, productTitle = t });
        foreach (var nw in TitleAndLink)
            var product = new List<EntryModel>();
            var adDetails = new EntryModel
                Title = nw.productTitle,
                Link = nw.productLink

            var ZoekOpdrachtInTitle = adDetails.Title.ToLower().Contains(ZoekOpdracht.ToLower());
            if (ZoekOpdrachtInTitle)

Solution 1:[1]

So I found the solution without changing too much code. thanks for the help from @PaulSinnema.

The link is part of the title so I only had to change

var title = doc.DocumentNode.CssSelect("div.header_cell > a").ToList();

And I had to change the foreach loop:

foreach (var item in title)
    if (item.Attributes["href"].Value.Contains(".html"))


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Nick de Vries