'My Scroll function is not working in Safari

I'm aware that Sarari does not support smooth scrolling with JS. However, I'm okay with just the default behavior of auto. However my app doesn't seem to be doing that in Safari. It works in Chrome. Just fine. I've tried other scrollIntoView default JS function with the same arguments but nothing is happing.

I have this function

export const scrollIntoView = (node) => {
  if (!node) return;
  const element = ReactDom.findDOMNode(node);
  try {
      behavior: "auto",
      block: "start",
  } catch (error) {

I'm then using my function like this. I pass it in an onClick.

const myDom = document.querySelector("#root');


Solution 1:[1]

Unfortunately scrollIntoView is buggy on Safari. You can use a polyfill and will work https://www.npmjs.com/package/seamless-scroll-polyfill


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Solution 1