'Not able to access model in the controller mautic

Not able to access new model in the controller in mautic

Mautic uses Symfony 2.x framework

Steps taken:

  • created entity extending CommonEntity
  • created repository extending CommonRepository
  • created model extending FormModel

Registered services in the config

'repositories' => [
            'mautic.campaignrequest.repository.campaignrequest' => [
                'class'     => Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository::class,
                'factory'   => ['@doctrine.orm.entity_manager', 'getRepository'],
                'arguments' => [

'models'     => [
            'mautic.campaignrequest.model.campaignrequest'  => [
                'class'       => \Mautic\CampaignRequestBundle\Model\CampaignRequestModel::class,
                'arguments'   => [],

But when tried to access the model in the controller it throws an error saying model is not registered in the container. Am I missing something??, could someone please help me out.

The error says:

[2019-12-23 13:23:47] mautic.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception InvalidArgumentException: "mautic.campaignrequest.model.campaignrequest is not a registered container key." at /projects/mautic/2.15.2/mautic/app/bundles/ApiBundle/Controller/CommonApiController.php line 923 {"exception":"[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): mautic.campaignrequest.model.campaignrequest is not a registered container key. at /projects/mautic/2.15.2/mautic/app/bundles/ApiBundle/Controller/CommonApiController.php:923)"} []

Solution 1:[1]

'mautic.campaignrequest.model.campaignrequest'  => [
                'class'       => \Mautic\CampaignRequestBundle\Model\CampaignRequestModel::class,
                'arguments'   => [],

You should use MauticPlugin instead of Mautic in class as your bundle exist in the plugins folder


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Suraj Rao