'Notification send to user in nodeJS

Following code is for back end which is implemented in NodeJS for socket call.

const socket = require('socket.io');

let Users = [];

module.exports = function (server) {
    const io = socket.listen(server);

    io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {

        socket.on('socket-call', function (userId) {
            Users[userId] = socket.id; 
            socket.broadcast.emit('socket-call', {msg: 'login call'});

I want to send notification message to particular user as which id has been passed from front end. But it send notification to all user.

I have tried with following, It is not working. Please suggest me for the solution.

socket.broadcast.to(Users[userId]).emit('socket-call', {msg: 'login call'});

Solution 1:[1]

Try with

socket.emit('socket-call', userId);


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Tejas Gami