'ol list counter reset based on start property using jquery

I need to make a jquery script that can take the OL start properly and transform it into a css based counter. So for a html like this:

<ol >
<ol start ="3" >

should start the numbering from 3 on the second list using the css

OL { counter-reset: list 3 }
LI { display: block }
LI:before {
content: counter(item) ". ";
counter-increment: item;

I'd like to add the counter reset automatically based on the start property. What i got till now is :

$("ol").each(function() {

  var index = $("ol").prop("start")-1;
  $(this).css({counter-reset:list index});    


the index var is working but i don't know how to insert that inside the css property.

Solution 1:[1]

We're doing this with JS because the surrounding CSS is hiding the default numbering. We have a CMS that is providing a start attribute:

If you did want to do it in JS, I'd suggest:

<ol >
<ol start="3" >

Then this CSS will recreate the numbering using :before

ol {
    counter-reset: li

li {
    list-style-type: none;

li:before {
    content:" " counter(li) ". ";

and this JS will then apply the start attribute in conjunction with your styles:

$("ol").each(function(idx, el) {
  var index = parseInt($(el).attr("start"))-1;
    if (!isNaN(index)) {
        $(el).css({'counter-reset':'li ' + index});    

as demonstrated here...



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Solution Source
Solution 1