'orocommerce wysiwyg editor - file / image wrong src

I have similar issue that Wysiwyg images not moved to public cache

when I add a file or image in wysiwyg, it displays properly in editor but after saving, it doesn't display in admin nor front.
Generated markup src is incorrect/not properly replaced:

<picture id="irozi"><source srcset="{{ wysiwyg_image('22','d9ffaffc-f286-4707-bd4b-29504628acc2','wysiwyg_original','webp') }}" type="image/webp"><img src="{{ wysiwyg_image('22','0872c470-f50a-4290-8043-96ffd5e205d2','wysiwyg_original','') }}" id="icysf" alt="test picture"></picture>  
<a href="{{ wysiwyg_file('21','43acd9a6-4b54-4439-9d1d-08241dd5a63e') }}" title="test file" target="_self" class="digital-asset-file no-hash">my-file.csv</a>

My field already exists (in a custom bundle) and "File applications" doesn't show in "Entity Management". Do I need that conf? How to achieve it with a migration?

What else should I do to have a correct src for files and images?

Solution 1:[1]

File applications config is required if you want to display an image that is ACL protected within the application. You can set it using a migration, e.g.:

            new UpdateEntityConfigFieldValueQuery(
                ['default', 'commerce']

The issue might also be related to image processing. Please, check the log file for errors.


Also, as a WYSIWYG field has some twig placeholders it has to be rendered with the applied postprocessing.

On the storefront it should be rendered with:

{% if entity.contentStyle|length -%}
    {%- apply spaceless -%}
        <style type="text/css">{{ entity.contentStyle|render_content }}</style>
    {%- endapply -%}
{%- endif %}

{{ entity.content|render_content }}

There are also ready-to-use layout block types: wysiwyg_style and text_with_placeholders.

On the back-office there is a macro

{% import '@OroEntityConfig/macros.html.twig' as entityConfig %}
{{ entityConfig.renderWysiwygContentPreview(entity.content)|raw }}

Where the entity.content is the field path to render.

The team will update the documentation to mention that.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1