'Pandas DataFrame from txt

I have a .txt that goes like this:


Arizona - New Mexico
Interstate 40
Interstate 10

South Dakota - Minneapolis
Interstate 90

South Carolina - Washington

Arizona - California
Interstate 40
Interstate 10
Interstate 8


State A - State B
Highway 1
Highway 2
Highway 3

I want to create a DataFrame and a CSV in pandas, where the first column contains the States, and the second column the Highway.

      States                    HW_Number
Arizona - New Mexico          Interstate 40
Arizona - New Mexico          Interstate 10
South Dakota - Minneapolis    Interstate 90
Arizona - California          Interstate 40
Arizona - California          Interstate 10
Arizona - California          Interstate 9
State A - State B             Highway 1
State A - State B             Highway 2
State A - State B             Highway 3

How can I manage to do that? Not all the states have the same amount of Highways, and can have 0 Highways, and those that have 0, I do not want to be integrated in the DataFrame.

A column with the Country could be integrated as well.

Thank you

Solution 1:[1]

As I said, a pretty easy file to parse:

import pandas as pd

rows = []
state = None
for line in open('x.txt'):
    if line[0] == ' ':
    line = line.strip()
    if not line:
    if '-' in line:
        state = line
        rows.append( (state,line) )

df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=['state','road'])


                        state           road
0        Arizona - New Mexico  Interstate 40
1        Arizona - New Mexico  Interstate 10
2  South Dakota - Minneapolis  Interstate 90
3        Arizona - California  Interstate 40
4        Arizona - California  Interstate 10
5        Arizona - California   Interstate 8
6           State A - State B      Highway 1
7           State A - State B      Highway 2
8           State A - State B      Highway 3

Solution 2:[2]

You can iterate through the rows and use characteristics of your structured data to create lists. These lists can be used to make a dataframe or series.

  1. read the lines from the file into a list (f.readlines())
  2. remove empty rows
  3. keep track of current state (doesn't end with a number)
  4. append the states and highways to lists
  5. use lists to make a dataframe or series

enter image description here

import pandas as pd
import io
f = io.StringIO(

Arizona - New Mexico
Interstate 40
Interstate 10

South Dakota - Minneapolis
Interstate 90

South Carolina - Washington

Arizona - California
Interstate 40
Interstate 10
Interstate 8


State A - State B
Highway 1
Highway 2
Highway 3
lines = f.readlines()
states = []
hw_numbers = []
current_state = None
for line in lines:
    line = line.strip() #removes \n
    if line == '': #remove empty rows
    elif line[-1].isdigit() == False: #if not a digit, then it's a state
        current_state = line
    else: #if it is a digit, then it's a highway


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Tim Roberts
Solution 2 Coup