'Pass root element as a variable

I have a python function that takes a partial xml string and a root element tag and tries to construct a valid xml. I am having trouble getting this to work.

from lxml import etree
from lxml.builder import E

    root_element = 'TagStatus'
    partial_xml_contents = """<Header>
    print('root_element: %s' % str(root_element))
    print('partial_contents: %s' % str(partial_xml_contents))
    partial_xml_contents = partial_xml_contents.replace('\n', '')
    retString =  etree.tostring(E(str(root_element), E(str(partial_xml_contents)) ))
except Exception as e:

I'm getting an error: Invalid tag name and the partial contents listed. From my understanding, lxml builder allows for a valid xml to be built using partial chunks.

Edit: Please see the below link. The OP has multiple xml chunks(fully formed). In my case, my xml is partial.

Append xml to xml using python.I have two xml files which i need to merge .so is there anyway i can merge both files

Solution 1:[1]

lxml's E factory can take a tag name as argument, but not a whole XML document. The following much smaller (and well-formed) example also results in a "Invalid tag name" error: E("<tag>x</tag>").

Here is how you can create a well-formed XML document:

from lxml import etree
root_element = 'TagStatus'     

partial_xml_contents = """
# Add the root element using an f-string
well_formed_xml_contents = f"<{root_element}>{partial_xml_contents}</{root_element}>"
# Verify that there are no errors
root = etree.fromstring(well_formed_xml_contents)


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Solution Source
Solution 1 mzjn