'PBSPro qsub Output File Name for Job Array

It is desirable to have PBSPro std output files that are easily understood while making use of job arrays. I have not found a way.

Here are a set of jobs for discussion -

Job id            Name             User              Time Use S Queue 
----------------  ---------------- ----------------  -------- - -----  
651902.srvname    pl_0000          xxxxxxxxx         00:00:00 R large  
651903[].srvname  dp_0000-0001     xxxxxxxxx                0 H large     
651904.srvname    bp_0100          xxxxxxxxx                0 H large  
651905[].srvname  dp_0000-bpx6     xxxxxxxxx                0 H large

Running qsub without changing the output name results in files for each of the subjobs for job arrays. For example, the following files are produced for job 651905[]:


Using qsub -o [JOBNAME] which is known when launching, results in a single file for the job array id so that the std output is only available for one of the subjobs.

The desired output file set is:


How can this be accomplished? In other words, how can the output file name be set to something more understandable while preserving the array index?

A secondary question is how can I include the sequence number along with the job name? Something like -


Solution 1:[1]

This won't get you fully there, but close.

qsub -J "0-512:512" -N pl_0000 -o pl_0000.^array_index^ -- /usr/bin/echo "HI"

Produces this output. You can see each array index with their own output.

-rw------- 1 pbsdev pbsdev     3 Apr 29 21:00 pl_0000.0
-rw------- 1 pbsdev pbsdev     3 Apr 29 21:00 pl_0000.512
-rw------- 1 pbsdev pbsdev     0 Apr 29 21:00 pl_0000.e1441.0
-rw------- 1 pbsdev pbsdev     0 Apr 29 21:00 pl_0000.e1441.512

This one will take the jobid and put it in the output filename along with the index.

jobid=$(qsub -h -J "0-512:512" -N pl_0000 -- /usr/bin/echo "HI") && qalter -o pl_0000.${jobid}.^array_index^.OU ${jobid} && qrls ${jobid}; echo ${jobid}


Produces this output. You can see each jobid and array index with their own output.

drwxrwxr-x 2 root   pbsdev 69632 Apr 29 21:05 .
drwxrwxr-x 6 root   pbsdev 20480 Apr 29 20:49 ..
-rw------- 1 pbsdev pbsdev     3 Apr 29 21:05 pl_0000.1446[].pdw-s1.0.OU
-rw------- 1 pbsdev pbsdev     3 Apr 29 21:05 pl_0000.1446[].pdw-s1.512.OU
-rw------- 1 pbsdev pbsdev     0 Apr 29 21:05 pl_0000.e1446.0
-rw------- 1 pbsdev pbsdev     0 Apr 29 21:05 pl_0000.e1446.512

JOBID     v            v Array Index

You can add a -e and change the error output in the qalter. Note, the -h is needed to hold the job, so then qalter has time to modify it, then qrls releases it.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 hunterofcow