'Python Connected Components edges list
I use these algorithms in python for finding connected components from edges.
components = []
def connected_components(pairs):
for a, b in pairs:
for component in components:
if a in component:
for i, other_component in enumerate(components):
if b in other_component and other_component != component: # a, and b are already in different components: merge
components[i:i+1] = []
break # we don't have to look for other components for b
else: # b wasn't found in any other component
if b not in component:
break # we don't have to look for other components for a
if b in component: # a wasn't in in the component
break # we don't have to look further
else: # neither a nor b were found
components.append([a, b])
return components
This algorithms return components like this :
[ [n1,n2,n4],[n3,n5] ]
I would like to have the list of all edges in connected components like this :
[ [(n1,n2),(n2,n4),(n4,n1)],[(n3,n5)] ]
in the same order of the previous list but i don't know how creates this list
Thank you for your help.
Solution 1:[1]
Note: This doesn't require any python dependency.
I will share my approach, with recursive depth-first search. I am assuming graph is bi-directional and the following code can be easily manipulated for directed graph.
pairs = [] // edge list
adj_list = {} // adjacency list
vis = [] // visited_list
connected_components = [] // contains all the connected components
temp_component = []
// basic depth first search
def dfs( node ):
vis[node] = "true"
for neighbour in adj_list[node]:
if vis[neighbour] == "false":
for a,b in pairs:
if a not in adj_list:
adj_list[a] = []
if b not in adj_list:
adj_list[b] = []
vis["a"] = "false"
vis["b"] = "false"
for a,b in pairs:
temp_component = []
if vis[a] == "false":
if len(temp_component) > 0:
// once you have connected components you can get the edge lists in connected component as well
answer = []
for component in connected_components:
temp_pairs = [] // contains the pair of edges for the current connected component
for node in component:
for i,j in pairs:
if (node == i or node == j) and (i,j) not in temp_node:
Solution 2:[2]
Create a mini graph in python using apgl library.
You can use SparseGraph module from apgl. from apgl.graph import SparseGraph
Initiate a sparsegraph with number of nodes required.
graph = SparseGraph(num_vertices)
Then you can create a mini graph by adding edges between nodes of graph.
graph.addEdge(component1, component2)
Then just use findConnectedComponents function to find connected components.
Solution 3:[3]
I know this is an old question, but I came across the same problem and was not glad with the performance of the given answers. So I wanted to share my own solution using scipy's connected_components and shortest_path functions to handle arbitrary edge-soups.
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix, csgraph
import numpy as np
def coords_to_indices(coords):
Decompose a set of primitives defined by vertex-coordinates to their shared vertices and primitive indices
coords : array like
A NxMxD array, where N is the number of primitives, M the number of vertices per primitive and D the number of dimensions of each vertex
vertices : NDArray
UxD array containing the unique vertices
primitives : NDArray
NxM array containing the indices of vertices building the primitives
coords = np.asarray(coords)
vert_dim = coords.shape[-1]
prim_dim = coords.shape[1]
vertices, rev_indx = np.unique(coords.reshape((-1, vert_dim)), axis=0, return_inverse=True)
primitives = rev_indx.reshape((coords.shape[0], prim_dim))
return vertices, primitives
def is_ordered(edge_indices) -> bool:
Check if the edges are ordered or not
edge_indices : Nx2 array of indices
Indices of the edge vertices
True, if all edges are in order. That means, every edge is connected with the following one by its second vertex.
edge_indices = np.asarray(edge_indices)
e_flat = edge_indices.flatten()[1:-1]
return all(e_flat[1::2] - e_flat[::2] == 0)
def reorder_edges(connected_edges):
Reorder an unsorted list of edges (indices Nx2) or coordinates (Nx2xM) so that:
- Each edge is connected to the next edge
- The connection is made from the second vertex to the first vertex of the following edge
connected_edges : array-like, Nx2 indices or Nx2xM coordinates
edges that build the segment. all edges have to be connected, but every vertex has to be shared by exactly 2 edges.
If the segment is not closed, two vertices are allowed to rise up in only one edge (the ends).
NDArray - like the input
The edges, reordered
connected_edges = np.asarray(connected_edges)
if is_ordered(connected_edges):
return connected_edges
if connected_edges.ndim == 3 and connected_edges.shape[1] == 2 and np.issubdtype(connected_edges.dtype, np.floating):
# vertex coordinates given, transform to edge indices and back
verts, edges = coords_to_indices(connected_edges)
e_ordered = reorder_edges(edges)
return verts[e_ordered]
assert np.issubdtype(connected_edges.dtype, np.integer) and connected_edges.ndim == 2 and connected_edges.shape[1] == 2, "Wrong shape"
edges = connected_edges
n_edges = edges.shape[0]
n_verts = edges.max() + 1
# find the unique indices and counts of the vertices
idxs, counts = np.unique(connected_edges.flat, return_counts=True)
# translate edges to monotone space
if np.all(counts == 2):
# cyclic contour (all vertices are counted twice)
# wo have to cut the cycle and restore it afterwards. Otherwise, its hard to follow the two valid paths
edges = edges[1:]
n_edges -= 1
new_edges = reorder_edges(edges)
# add the missing piece. Due to the strict order of the indices, this should always be between the very first and very last index
new_edges = np.row_stack((new_edges, (new_edges[-1, -1], new_edges[0, 0])))
return new_edges
# open contour
# find the open ends in the chain of segments
ends = idxs[counts == 1]
assert len(ends) == 2, "More than 2 unconnected segments found. not a contiguous contour"
# lets begin the connection walk on one of the end-segments. I choose the minimum, so maybe the indices are rising again
start_index, end_index = np.sort(ends)
# build sparse matrix of edge relations
csm = csr_matrix((np.full(n_edges, 1, dtype=np.bool_), (edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1])), (n_verts, n_verts))
# get shortest path and number of hops
n_hops, prev_idx = csgraph.shortest_path(csm, directed=False, indices=start_index, return_predecessors=True, unweighted=True)
# limit to the existing vertices
n_hops = n_hops[idxs]
prev_idx = prev_idx[idxs]
vert_order = np.argsort(n_hops)
assert np.all(np.isfinite(n_hops)), "Unreachable parts detected"
# check that the hops are increasing monotonously, otherwise something went wrong
dst = n_hops[vert_order]
assert np.all(dst[1:] - dst[:-1] == 1), "path not contiguous... something went wrong"
# get indices of neighbors
ordered_idxs = prev_idx[vert_order][1:]
# add the farthest node
ordered_idxs = np.append(ordered_idxs, end_index)
new_edges = np.column_stack((ordered_idxs[:-1], ordered_idxs[1:]))
return new_edges
def find_connected(edges):
Find and return connected components in a soup of edges. Each component will be returned as an ordered list of edges
edges : array_Like
A list of edges. Either as a Nx2 list of indices or as a Nx2xD list of vertex coordinates per edge
A list of Mx2 or Mx2xD arrays (depending on the input type), each containing an ordered list of connected (and maybe cyclic) edges
if edges.ndim == 3 and edges.shape[1] == 2 and np.issubdtype(edges.dtype, np.floating):
# vertex coordinates given, transform to edge indices and back
verts, edges = coords_to_indices(edges)
connected_edges = find_connected(edges)
# return the result as coordinate array
return [verts[e] for e in connected_edges]
# get number of edges and maximum number of vertices
n_edges = edges.shape[0]
n_verts = edges.max() + 1
# create a sparse matrix of the relations
csm = csr_matrix((np.full(n_edges, 1, dtype=np.bool_), (edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1])), (n_verts, n_verts))
# get number and labels of the connected components. labels refer to the vertices
n_c, labels = csgraph.connected_components(csm, directed=False, return_labels=True)
# get the association to the edges. should not matter which column
edge_labels = labels[edges]
assert np.all(edge_labels[:, 0] == edge_labels[:, 1])
connected_edges = []
for label in range(n_c):
# get mask for current label:
edge_mask = edge_labels[:, 0] == label
if not np.any(edge_mask):
#this vertex was no member of any edge
# iterate labels and gather all edges of that label
edges_l = edges[edge_mask, :]
# reorder if necessary
if not is_ordered(edges_l):
edges_l = reorder_edges(edges_l)
return connected_edges
Short Example:
def makePoly(npts=360, r=10):
angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, npts)
x = np.sin(angles) * r
y = np.cos(angles) * r
return x, y
# create a polygon
verts = np.array(makePoly(16)).T
# create the edges
edges = np.column_stack((np.arange(verts.shape[0]), np.arange(verts.shape[0])+1))
# close the loop
edges[-1, -1] = 0
# shuffe all edges
# remove some edges, so we get multiple chains
edges = np.delete(edges, [1, 2, 3], axis=0)
# swap some vertex orders
swap = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
edges[swap, :] = edges[swap, :][:, [1, 0]]
# now reorder everything
edges_ordered = find_connected(edges)
Result is
array([[ 0, 15],
[15, 14],
[14, 13],
[13, 12],
[12, 11]]),
array([[1, 2],
[2, 3],
[3, 4]]),
array([[ 5, 6],
[ 6, 7],
[ 7, 8],
[ 8, 9],
[ 9, 10]])
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Source: Stack Overflow
Solution | Source |
Solution 1 | |
Solution 2 | Ankur Yadav |
Solution 3 |