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Why does echo of an environment variable do not work, but printenv does, inside a docker?

My system: Visual studio code dev container, on Windows 10. I try to use environment variables inside my docker container. A file xyz.env holds my environment v

C# 8 - CS8605 "Unboxing possibly null value" on enum

I have a project with <nullable>enable</nullable> in the .csproj and I am experiencing some weird behavior of the warnings. I have a foreach stateme

How to make ref arrays work in Vue 3 composition API when passing them to child components?

I have the following todo app with these two components: App and Todo App.vue <template> <div class="todo-list"> <div :key="index" v-for="(

Elastic Beanstalk NetworkOut auto scaling if you have only 1 instance

We have an Elastic Beanstalk environment and since many weeks almost every morning at about 8.10 am/8.20 am we get a notification (SNS) that "Environment healt

JS - Why can't the Chrome console access my global variable?

I have the following variable declared at the top level of the script: var region = “southwest”; When running console.log(region) I'm getting the

Loading page after displaying the Unity logo at the beginning of the game

I plan to open the banner immediately after the player opens the game and the Unity logo is seen and display it for a while and then enter the game. Please help

how to set legend to a matplolib Axes in a subfigure plot

I am trying to plot the decision boundary of an SVM classifier using iris dataset. The class label doesn't appear on the legend although I set label=y. Code: im

Broken Vue CLI installation npm

after trying to update vue cli to its latest version using npm update, now everytime I run vue it throws the following error: vue create node:internal/modules/c

expression block in xcos gives "answer given for scilab expression is wrong" error

I'm trying to use the xcos/scicos expressionless block: with this scilab/scicoslab expression: sign(u2 – u1) * (2 * ((Fm + M) * abs(u2 – u1) + k