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How to make fonts in VSCode like in Android Studio

I've been using vscode for a while, and i just recently tried android studio. Immediately I realized that I like the fonts in android studio more than the fonts

Add route parameter to Blazor server app's index page

I'm developing a Blazor Server app using .NET 6.0. I would like for the index page to utilize a route parameter: @page "/{vendorId}" @functions { [Paramet

Facing error with terraform code for importing multiple runbook to azure automation account

I have created the azure automation account using terraform code. I have multiple runbooks PowerShell scripts saved in my local. I am using for.each option to i

WPF - MVVM binding in UserControl

I'm testing a sample binding in MVVM pattern. I'm using package GalaSoft.MvvmLight. Binding from MainViewModel to MainWindow is normal but I can't binding data

Can you add an attribute to an attribute in a class in python?

I would like to add an attribute to an existing attribute (or method if I need to). An example of this would be numpy's random method: numpy.random.rand() In my

Unable to override cucumber tags in Cucumber options from command line

I have this strange issue where I am unable to override the tag in the runner with the tag I supply from command line. Runner class:- @RunWith(Cucumber.class) @

CSS Curved Tabs like Google Chrome

I'm using Material UI Tabs in React to implement curved tabs (imagine like ones shown in Google Chrome). The structure must be such that the parent can give a b

How to avoid having class data shared among instances?

What I want is this behavior: class a: list = [] x = a() y = a() x.list.append(1) y.list.append(2) x.list.append(3) y.list.append(4) print(x.list) # pri

Android Emulator crash on sidebar click

If I start the Emulator by clicking the "run app" Button in Android Studio 4.2.2 everything works fine till i try to use one of the emulator sidebar funktions,

Why does raster plot "north" as "south"?

I have no problems using the raster package when I stay within the confines of the provided functions but when I go off-piste and manually mess with the interna