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Limit integer and decimal parts length in flex

Is there a way I can extract the number of digits before and after the '.' in a float in Flex? I want to limit the number of digits in the integer part to 4, an

schemaTypes in sanity io

I am facing problem in schemaTypes of Sanity io All the details are mentioned below Any problem regarding the question U can ask me userSchema.js name:'abou

Pass matrix of unknown dimensions to C++ function

The following code compiles with gcc but not g++. Is it possible to write a function with a matrix argument of arbitrary dimensions in C++? void print_mat(const

how to make a arrow line for divs using css?

I have parent and child div tag. I want to point arrow to child div tag from parent div tag. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="

SwiftUI on macOS - using Picker for each row in a Table Column

I am displaying some items in a Table on macOS (new in SwiftUI 3.0). I can get the table to work fine when displaying Text views in each column, but I really wa

How to copy image rotation transform on to canvas with drawImage

I've seen this problem online e.g: HTML5 canvas drawImage with at an angle But I was un

VSC Pylance disable linting for Python

I am using the Python and Pylance extensions in Visual Studio Code for the benefit of syntax highlighting, auto completion and code suggestions. Whenever I save

How to Share Youtube Link to my Application?

I want to get link shared from YouTube to my application using the built-in option of share in YouTube. The link is then auto pasted in an edit text in my appli

Problem with showing message from model in view in Spring-MVC with (JSP+JSTL)

I'm learning spring-mvc now, and I have problem with getting messages from model and showing there in my .jsp views. Who can explain why my code does't work? Th

avcodec_find_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H264) returns null

I am building an android application which will encode image captured from camera preview and later decode it. I am using ffmpeg library to encode and decode. T