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How can I convert from a{a{} b{}} to a[a[],b[]] using php preg_match?

Group test { Group test1 { #-# Type Val 1 typ1 10 2 typ2 10 3 typ3 10 } Group test2 {

Share link/text to Instagram Direct Message on iOS

I cannot find any API for sharing text/links to Instagram DM on iOS. I've seen posts that asked similar questions but haven't seen anyone with an answer so I fi

Remove Implicit Dependency warning from Gradle output

I've got a generic task in my Gradle build that copies some configuration files to be included in the build, but aren't required for compiling or anything else

"unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'str' and 'str'" When setting file paths

I'm programming a convnet for images I've split test/train/validation in the directory labelled ds_dir below. from tensorflow.keras.utils import image_dataset_

Filescoped namespaces in visual studio 2019

I am trying to use filescoped namespaces in visual studio 2019. So instead of:- namespace my.namespace { public class MyClass { } } I want:- namesp

How to test file upload into storage in firebase emulator?

I have a UI which will receive a file from the user/the user uploads a file which is stored in firebase storage. How to test this in emulator? Which storage buc

Celery Upgrade - Workers not working with RabbitMQ

Problem description I have a working django application using Celery along with Mongo and RMQ (3.7.17-management-alpine) The application runs on kubernetes clus

Rerender a functional React component using useState and ensure useEffect hook executed

I have a functional React component which draws a polygon on a canvas. The result looks like this: My code is (I have left out the irrelevant stuff): import {