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Flutter Alarm Manager Missing Plugin Exception

I'm having trouble setting up a daily task to complete certain functions. I've managed to get android_alarm_manager to work, I currently, have it set to print a

cant download dataframe to excel from exe of tkinter Python

I tried to convert my data analyst project to GUI using Tkinter library. I build the entire project on PyCharm and everything worked. so I tried to convert my p

How to add global route prefix in core 6 [duplicate]

Unfortunately, advices for previous versions didn't work How to add global route prefix in core 3? app.UsePathBase(new PathString("/ap

Select only rows with COLUMN=<value> if matches exist, or COLUMN IS NULL otherwise

Here's a sample script to demonstrate the problem: CREATE TABLE person ( id NUMERIC PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, city VARCHAR(255) ); INSERT

How to initialize all fields of a big class with two different fields in standard C++

I have a very big class with a bunch of members, and I want to initialize them with a given specific value.The code below is the most naive implementation, but

how to map train_generator test_generator into (x_train y_train x_test y_test )

I am using image data from local drive and load data using train_generator test_generator. i want to know that how to map or assign train_generator test_generat

Hide a component in Login in react Routes

I want to hide the <Header/> component when I am in the Login. I've tried to follow Answer to this question but failed. Below is my App.js code function A

Persisting PyTest data parameters across multiple test cases

Is there a way from me to persist the "ref" parameters across multiple test cases inside the same Python script? This setup "works", but it feels sub-optimal to

ftrace not able to trace ubi related functions in linux kernel

I am on kernel 5.4 LTS and not able to trace UBI related kernel calls. I am doing ubiattach -m 3 -d 3 and want to trace all corresponding kernel internal calls.