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gsutil cp command error, CommandException: NO URLs matched:

Good day, I am not a developer but running simple gsutil command to manage my google cloud storage. I ran into an issue where I run the following command form

MongoServerError: Nested BSON depth greater than 50 not allowed

I want to update an object key from mongodb. But when i want to update that key, I am getting this error MongoServerError: Nested BSON depth greater than 50 not

First argument must be an iterable of pandas objects, you passed an object of type "DataFrame" sklearn [closed]

I am trying to save the new CSV file by dropping some values and changing the DateTime format. import pandas as pd import calendar from dateti

How do I make, so my bot counts a person's messages?

I have a leveling system in my Discord bot, but it doesn't really add anything. I want my bot to count messages a person has written, then for a specific amount

How to include a shared library in gn

I have a in which I want to include a shared library which is located in usr/lib. I have taken reference from this topic How to include a shared librar

Get the `functionName` called from an ethereum transaction

I'd like to display an ethereum transaction and include the methodName that was called. For example, this transaction's method was mint. Is there an API endpoin