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top 3 products by number of units shipped in the month

I need to list the names of the top 3 products by number of units shipped and the names of the top 3 customers by total amount invoiced. And I must use the colu

Intellij PyCharm/Idea/etc: how to add a toolbar button that runs a shell script?

In Intellij IDE's such as PyCharm or Idea there is an option to customize the menu and toolbar by right-clicking the toolbar and picking Customize menus and too

How to write clean function in R without resorting to GlobalEnv?

I have scoured the Internet trying to find a solution and somehow I still can't find a simple, straightforward answer. Maybe it's much more complicated ? I have

Using Variance of time series as input feature for time series clustering

I have a time series dataset, it is a data frame with 2000 rows and 1000 columns. Each rows is for one specific id and has a unique pattern. I want to clusterin

Gmail centers email signature when it shouldn't

I have made an email signature for a client which works perfectly on everything except Gmail. When I try to use the signature in Gmail it somehow centers it. Th

React project fails to build after rpm run command due to error code ELIFCYCLE

I came across some error when I tried to run my react project in localhost, can anyone help me? Here is the error log: C:\Users\Intel\Desktop\burger-project>

Applying user selected texture to cube dynamically?

I’m creating a cube using BoxGeometry and trying to apply the texture that the user has selected. I created a raycaster and use that raycaster inside mous