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Can I use OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier with react-google-maps?

I'm working on a project which uses react-google-maps ( library. It works well, but we stumbled upon a problem w

Spring AOP with Mock, Spy. AspectJProxyFactory cannot addAspect Mock instance

I am trying unit tests where an aspect class works well while unit testing. Situtation. upgrade Spring Boot from 1.5.9 -> 2.3.1. Mockito, Junit frameworks ar

How to open open card and verify the content inside then open the second card and verify the content and so on

I need to open the first card and verify that everything inside matches the hashtag 'Fashion' and then do the same for the next 3 cards and then press the 'next

How to get rid of Django security vulnerabilities warning signs in terminal

I have a simple Django project with a PostgreSQL backend and I can't seem to get rid of the Django security vulnerabilities warning signs on my terminal. Settin

Slow remote MySQL connection

I have a local WordPress installation setup that uses a remote MySQL DB connection. The MySQL server is my VPS, and my VPS is also the DNS server. I have MySQL

Camera LED blinking with frequencies > 200 Hz [Visible Light Communication]

I'm currently working on a Visible Light Communication project and need some help to programm a fast blinking (>200Hz) LED Flashlight. My device is a HUAWEI

Cannot use Voice Isolation with AVAudioRecorder or AudioUnit

I'm trying to record voice audio with either AVAudioRecorder or AUAudioUnit. In both, after a recording has started, whenever calling AVCaptureDevice.showSystem

Function preg_match() is not finding the end of line appropriately

I'm parsing through information in a file coming from a console, at the end of each line is the date, but the line may also have the date already listed in it.

Laravel Polymorphic Relations commentable_type validation

I'm using a REST API to receive the data. The data model is polymorphic related, similar to the one on the documentation:

How to make a checkbox group behave like a radio button group in React.js

I want to make checkboxes that have been rendered via a loop behave like radio buttons. I do not want to use radio buttons and make them look like checkboxes. H