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Is it possible to create nested elements in javascript using documentFragment?

I would like to create a reuseable html block using documentFragment. The idea is to create and fill a block of html code similar to below, for every object in

Making google fonts bold without changing to a bigger font-weight

I wanna know if there is any way to use 2 font styles/weights or more (let's take regular 400 and bold 700), making the smaller one - regular 400 - bold and not

Generate signed apk from gradle command line

for usual Build apk I run command gradlew assembleRelease, but if i want to generate signed apk with keystore path and password, what command should apply? Ando

wpf HeaderedContentControl set event handler on contenttemplate

How to set an event handler on the ContentTemplate that is defined in a resource file? window xaml <!-- this doesnt get triggered --> <Style x:Key="Ta

Failing to write map function inside forEach function?

I am trying to forEach the values ​​in json and push the desired values ​​to the array by using the map function inside. [ {

mapbox-gl-js route is not accurate

I'm new with map box and java scripts, i have try route mapping system but its not accurate. i don't know if routing map using map box-gl-js is normally its b

ASP.NET C# Web Form

This is the error Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Object must implement IConvertible. This is the code that I have, and I am tryin to solve this

Select columns with for loop

Suppose you have a data frame like this (data at the end) And you make a function to filter and select. Where data is the data frame, start="2003 Q1", and end c