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Too many recently failed requests for ad unit ID (AdMob)

Too many recently failed requests for ad unit ID: ca-app-pub-XXXX. You must wait a few seconds before making another ad request. I erased all contents of simula

Styled component warning on Select element

Im creating a dropdown component using Styled Components, and in getting this warning in the first line of my tsx file import styled from "styled-components";

Reading settings from app.config or web.config in .NET

I'm working on a C# class library that needs to be able to read settings from the web.config or app.config file (depending on whether the DLL is referenced from

Python Pandas: Create a dictionary from a dataframe with values equal to a list of all row values

I am trying to create dictionary from a dictionary from a dataframe in the following way. My dataframe contains a column called station_id. The station_id value

Set Formgroup valid or invalid angular 7

I have one form where I need to set the fields to valid or invalid, because I want to edit the user, but the button stay disabled edit.component ngOnInit() {

PrimeNG p-dropdown options from an array inside an object

I have object that contains lots of data relevant to the page and I would like to set the p-dropdown to an subArray within this object, is this possible? Exampl

Trouble centering two divs horizontally

I'm trying to center the the div containing the image and the div containing the form horizontally rather than vertically using bulma and it's just not respondi

Why SourceTree keep asking for GitHub credentials?

I have updated SourceTree This window pops up every time after I open SourceTree: I removed in Application Support/SourceTree folder all files: I have create

how to play next video automatically in list exoplayer android

I am creating movie streaming app in android studio i have used recyclerview and exoplayer . everything is perfect there is one final touch which is episodes cr