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Copy directory to another directory using ADD command

I have read however I met a problem. I want to copy the local directory go to docker /user/local/ I tried:

How to fix "could not compile dependency :bcrypt_elixir" error on Windows?

I'm on Windows and I am trying to install the bcrypt_elixir module. I get the following error: $ mix phx.server ==> bcrypt_elixir could not compile depende

TypeScript error: Duplicate identifier 'LibraryManagedAttributes'

Failed to compile. / (2312,14): Duplicate identifier 'LibraryManagedAttribute

C# code cannot be built properly with Visual Studio 2019

I want to build a pre_written C# code in VS 2019. The code was built but I only got a .pdb file, not a .gh file(a Grasshopper component). Could you please check

pycairo error: “no current point defined” when trying to use TeeSurface

I'm trying to use a cairo.TeeSurface (pycairo version '1.21.0') to redirect input to multiple surfaces, but I cannot make it work, here is my code: >>>

Preset spinner in onCreate is overwritten

In an activity I have a spinner where the user can select which date should be displayed in the activity. But in the previous activity there can be a preselecti

Autorun USB in Windows 10?

How could I get an autorun USB drive in Windows 7/8/10. autorun.inf doesn't seem to work anymore. Also could this work without any rubber duckie USB drives? May