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Fetching Data from JSON and creating an HTML Table through Javascript - Not Working

I'm trying to create a table populated by an external .JSON file through using JavaScript. It is not working. When the .JSON data was placed in the .JS code it

Model was constructed with shape (None, 50) for input KerasTensor(type_spec=TensorSpec(shape=(None, 50),

I have followed some kind of training and the final Jupyter notebook was this:

python turtle screen is not show correct

I'm python newbie, I used pyenv install python on my mac, my python version ➜ ~ python --version Python 3.10.3 And this is my code from turtle import S

'str' object has no attribute 'call' when converting .model to tflite file

I have been following this tutorial to perform voice command recognition for a couple words on my ESP32: I wa

How to jump into REPL after the execution of a node.js script?

Is it possible with node.js to launch a script, wait for its completion (or an error), and then jump into the console, with access to the current environment va

How to do server side encryption while uploading file in MinIO using Java

I am able to upload the file on MinIO Server using Java and facing absolutely no problem in it. But my Requirement is to encrypt the file (Object) before storin

FFmpeg saving rtmp live stream cuts off after 3 minutes

I was playing with ffmpeg and was able to save a live stream to a file. The command to do so is: ffmpeg -re -i "rtmp://<ip addr>/livestream live=1" -f h2

swiper - How to disable nested horizontal swiper further scroll (touch release on edges)?

When I was trying to build a nested swiper, the outer swiper is like a tab view which organizes my page, and the inner swiper is a plan selection tool for you t

Remove a decimal and concat zero at a specific position using PostgreSQL

I have a column named invoice_number varchar(255) in the invoices table. Here is some sample data: 20220010000000010 20220010000000011 20220010000000012 An invo