I would like to have my script verify that an email password is correct before proceeding with the rest of the script. I'm sure it's just a simple loop, but I c
steps_per_epoch = int(BUFFER_SIZE // BATCH_SIZE) hist = model.fit( train_ds, validation_data=test_ds, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, epochs=EPOCHS,
I have a front-end script written in JS++. I have about 10 modules. These modules include classes, functions, etc. I will call them objects. Some pages in my we
I want to create an 'import' Button that chooses a file from Desktop: I tried this but it's not working : The .py file def load(self): import os path =
I'm a total newb to SQL and am confused about why the variable name is changing when I try to cast a variable as text rather than numeric. I'm using RSQLite and
I am trying to setup a forum on my website. I managed to setup the example project correctly, and it works but I can't seem to find anything on how to integrate
I want to change text between two elements using JQuery, but I don't have any idea ! for example: <input type='checkbox' name='ch1'> This text must
I am looking for an easy way how to hide plotly graph inside subplot() if it is empty - meaning the plot_ly() function has been called on an empty dataframe. Th
I am using celluloid (https://github.com/jwkvam/celluloid) to plot a function over several years and i love it so far, it works great! I have one small problem