I have a RecyclerView in my application, there is a layout above and below it, I need the top layout to collapse while I scroll the RecyclerView, and when the R
how to write jpa query for below sql without using native sql query select * from emp where emp_id=123 and (emp_name="ABC" OR emp_name is NULL) order by salary
for file in os.listdir(path): try: with open(file, 'r') as fp: msg = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") msg.set_payload(fp.read())
I using a JQuery script to validate my input and when it filled correctly (no none option is used since I put None as one of the selectable option in my html fo
If I use JSDoc to create two objects, one of which has all of the properties of the other, how do I show that? For instance you'd have: /** * @typdef Foo *
We're introducing event sourcing and refactoring to a rich domain model in a part of our application and we're a little bit confused about a part. We have Tanks
Intro So far I am trying to wrap my head around structs. I have found many answers on the Topic "When to use a struct". Most of them are vague such as advice ag
I have been struggling to read error messages on yellow background with white text (image below). Any ideas, on how can I change the highlight color? I am aware
I am trying to display my Cart data from firestore into a listview widget but to do so, I need the 'Cart' array's length. How do I build a listview on my app b