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How can i use exact functionality for android back button by kivymd

When i long pressing the back button in last screen of my application then all the screen is being back and close my application. I want to release the back key

A problem with automatically increasing the file size in a project laravel

I have a problem with a file named storage\logs\laravel.log From LARAVEL Project Files The strange thing is that this file is automatically increased in size ev

Inability to access Django Admin page on app deployed with Docker on Digital Ocean, and using Traefik as reverse proxy

I have deployed a Django app to a Digital Ocean Droplet with Docker. I am using Traefik for reverse-proxy. I have configured DO's DNS to point my Domain Name wb

friend invitation with GKMatchmakerViewController never shows up

I basically just followed this tutorial Instead of a turned-based game,

No module named 'PIL' (already installed Pillow)

PS C:\Users\hp\PycharmProjects\pythonproject> pip install Pillow Requirement already satisfied: Pillow in c:\python\python310\lib\site-packages (9.0.1) I tri

train_data,test_data=train_test_split in Sklearn

I wanted to know the meaning of train_data,test_data=train_test_split(data, test_size=TEST_SIZE,

Pandas - Group data by week and add column for count of rows in group

I have a crime dataset where every row is one recorded offence that is to be used in an ARIMA time series model. Date 0 2015-09-05 1 2015-09-05 2 201

Display loading symbol while waiting for a result with Dash

In my Dash-based application, a button triggers a long-running computation. Wouldn't it be nice to display a loading animation while the result is not yet there

URLSessionWebSocketTask.receive() doesn't throw on cancel()

I am repeatedly calling URLSessionWebSocketTask.receive. I've tried recursively calling the version with the completion handler, as well as looping over the new

How do I use ffmpeg with Python by passing File Objects (instead of locations to files on disk)

I'm trying to use ffmpeg with Python's subprocess module to convert some audio files. I grab the audio files from a URL and would like to just be able to pass t