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Where my code is leak? how i need to write free() function? C

This code scans number then he create array with malloc, then i scan strings, i put then inside the array with another malloc, then i sort the strings and print

Android Jetpack Compose: How to make Text utilize complete row space and break the word to new line in case of overflow?

I would like the text to utilize complete row space and break to a new line if the word overflows the row space. Is there any way to achieve this in Jetpack Com

Unknown module(s) in QT: core

I'm having a lot of trouble with Qt. When I try to build my project (imported from another PC) I get the error: Unknown module(s) in QT: core Moreover, I have

Google Tag manager fires the tag but event is not shown in real time GA tab

here's screen of tag Ga UA identifier is set properly. I added all necessary codes to website: GA + GTM codes. I don't know where the problem is. When I test if

Rails 7 + Devise Not seeing flash messages from devise

I have a new rails 7 app [rails new devisetest], a simple controller with static page and added devise [gem 'devise' + rails g devise user]. All defaults. Flash

How can I disable the Highstocks range selector buttons when loading data asynchronously?

I'm creating a chart similar to the Highcharts lazy loading example where I'm retrieving data from my backend service every time the user zooms in via mouse dra

Get nested document within document in FaunaDB

I'm fairly new to Fauna so please forgive me. I'd like to make one query that returns a nested document within a document. I access the initial document that co

CSS/HTML Bug on full width image / small space under the image is shown

on my website i use a image as seperator between sections. You can see this seperator on this image: section seperator On the image you also see the bug. There

Not able to figure out issue in jest code coverage

I have below file in my nestjs. import { extname } from 'path'; import { diskStorage } from 'multer'; import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid'; import { HttpException,

is it possible to prioritize orderer when submitting transactions through fabric-sdk-node?

I'm writing a fabric client application using nodejs and the latest fabric-network library. I have setup multiple orderer nodes running in VMs and want to prior